
Leading and Coaching

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The truth is, this kind of command-and-control leadership no longer works in education—if it ever did. As a result, we’re starting to see the role of education leaders shifting, too. Principals and superintendents now see coaching as one of the essential parts of their jobs. According to author and education coach Elena Aguilar, coaching can “build will, skill, knowledge, and capacity because it can go where no other professional development has gone before—into the intellect, behaviors, practices, beliefs, values, and feelings of an educator.” 

Setting Boundaries

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For business owners, one of the takeaways of this growing trend is that many leaders are failing to protect their employees’ best interests—so much so that governments are intervening. As a business owner myself, I understand the pressure of today’s cutthroat economy. But as it turns out, certain “red flag” behaviors, like requiring constant connection, are a disservice to your employees and your organization. 

Mentoring New Leaders

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Assistant principals drive instructional leadership, manage school operations, support teachers and staff, ensure student wellbeing, and much more. Here’s how to balance—and embrace—the diverse responsibilities that come with the role.

Lessons in Leadership

a woman standing in front of a whiteboard with writing on it

Enduring and meaningful leadership is about so much more than having the authority to give orders and set direction — in fact, many of the best leaders exemplify humility, respect and honest self-evaluation. Yet, they still believe in themselves and the decisions they make. Many of my clients are stumped on how to build confidence without trying to “throw their weight around,” as many leaders try to do. If you’re looking to boost your leadership confidence, read below for some of the tips I share when I’m coaching.

Self Leadership; Do you know who you are?

man in black dress shirt sitting on brown chair

Just by using our mobile devices and electronics, we can learn, build, develop, and create opportunities. We have the ability to self-empower and have information relevant to our development, identity, and purpose in life — if we understand how to work on ourselves. 

Is it burnout or boredom?

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If you’re experiencing burnout not because you’re overworked, but because you’re underinspired, it might be time to try thinking inside-out and outside-in.

Leading a Dual Language Campus

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Research supports the role of dual-language education—students’ full immersion in two or more languages across areas of instruction—in supporting social, emotional, and academic growth, as well as cultural competency. 

Poverty does not define you

Veteran principal Hamish Brewer reminds educators that they matter, they are enough and their work saves lives every day in his keynote address at ASCD 2024.

Superintendent’s Salary

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School districts’ top leaders are making around $7,000 less than a decade ago when adjusted for inflation, according to a study from AASA.