
FAFSA updates continue

man wearing academic gown

The U.S. Department of Education will automatically reprocess between 15% and 20% of the applications for federal financial aid submitted thus far, following widespread tax data miscalculations. 

Ready or not…the Eclipse is here

solar eclipse

Instead of driving to school two minutes away, the family of four will travel two hours to the tiny town of Kerrville’s eclipse festival, where they hope to experience more than four minutes of eclipse totality with thousands of other visitors.

The AI Impact

a white toy with a black nose

Educators are split on whether artificial intelligence will help or hinder their careers, according to results of a study by the AI Education Project, first shared with Axios.

Structural shifts after Covid

woman in black long sleeve shirt writing on white paper

Four years after the global COVID shutdowns, the pandemic’s effects are still being felt. Within education, a variety of data sources — including NWEA’s MAP Growth and state, national,and international tests — all show that students today are well behind their peers from four years ago.