The New Social Security ‘Fairness’ Act Is Neither Fair Nor Just

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Aldeman: Giving some retirees extra funds will undermine the program’s progressive nature, cost taxpayers billions, force painful cuts down the road.

On Jan. 5, President Joe Biden signed a law that represents a giveaway to retirees who already have generous state-provided pension benefits.

While union leaders are cheering the bill as a win for their members, it’s a bad deal for the rest of us. It will undermine the progressive nature of the Social Security program, cost taxpayers billions and force painful cuts down the road.

The new bill itself is short and simple, less than 300 words. In a clever bit of marketing, the sponsors dubbed it the Social Security Fairness Act. But the bill isn’t about “fairness”; it’s about giving a windfall to a relatively small group of people at the expense of taxpayers.

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