Lessons learned from Leaders

woman standing by wall holding mug

Tips on developing the mental mastery for success

The road to success as a leader includes focusing on decision-making as well as getting good sleep and nutrition, say those Alaina Love has coached.

In a recent Mentor Mastermind session with a client, I invited participants to pose questions to a panel of experienced senior leaders, all of whom had served as mentors to several young professionals. In early queries, mentees sought tips on better time management and insight about how to establish balance when working on demanding projects (block time on your calendar for strategic thinking, one mentor suggested). After some rather generic back and forth, one question took the conversation to another level. 

“What do you wish you had learned sooner in your journey to the leadership level?” one woman asked. Much of what the panelists shared related less to the positions they pursued on the way to the top and more to their efforts to build the mental fortitude required for success. After a momentary pause, individual panelists replied:

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