Digging deeper into Chronic Absenses

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‘Astonishing’ Absenteeism, Trauma Rates Root of Academic Crisis

50-state report spotlights social, health and economic factors driving country’s literacy and math crises, urging investments in family engagement.

Nearly 15 million children were chronically absent in the 2021-22 school year, doubling pre-pandemic numbers, and millions have lived through at least one traumatic experience, such as parent death or abuse.

The Annie E. Casey Foundation’s 2024 Kids Count Data Book examines the causes driving the “astonishing” rates, resulting in bleak educational outcomes and disproportionately impacting Native, Black and Latino children. 

The national report, which explores social, health and economic factors across all 50 states while also highlighting programs that work, paints a stark portrait of the state of child well-being. From a decline in the number of 3 and 4 year olds in school to an increase in the rate of child deaths, it warns the United States “stands on the precipice of losing our economic standing.” 

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