Alamo Area TALAS

TALAS’ Alamo Area Affiliate
Alamo Area TALAS seeks to network and unify leaders across the city of San Antonio. Our goals are to build leadership capacity and to advocate for the necessary educational support, political influence, scholarships, and mentorship for all stakeholders. Ultimately, it is about being a position of leadership and influence to serve the students entrusted to us.

Affiliate Membership Registration

Memberships are active once your payment has been received. As part of your membership, you will receive access to members-only information and communication. No physical materials will be delivered or shipped.

Membership runs from September 1st through August 31st

Membership fees are non-refundable.

Step 1 of 3

We recommend using a personal email (for membership to follow you from school to school). However, feel free to use a school email address.