Still dealing with Inequality

Why it matters: The U.S. will soon mark the 70th anniversary of the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision that ended legal segregation in public schools. Yet, researchers found growing inequality in school access as the nation has become more diverse, according to the new study by nonpartisan education watchdog Available to All.
Leading & Learning from Experts in the Field

Information on the Summer Leadership Summit
Setting Boundaries

For business owners, one of the takeaways of this growing trend is that many leaders are failing to protect their employees’ best interests—so much so that governments are intervening. As a business owner myself, I understand the pressure of today’s cutthroat economy. But as it turns out, certain “red flag” behaviors, like requiring constant connection, are a disservice to your employees and your organization.
School safety

In response to the deadliest school shooting in Texas, lawmakers have upped legislation concerning gun and school safety. House Bill 3 passed late last year, which created the requirement for an armed security guard to be present on all campuses and also ramped up mental health resources for students.
Importance of Mental Health

“Week after week, I’d have the same group that I worked with, so I think that consistency in getting to know them and then going to tournaments, and coaching them from the corner — that was definitely pretty powerful,” he said.
Early Childhood and CTE

Nye’s Early Childhood Education class allows high school students to gain firsthand experience with teaching preschoolers. The students design and lead lessons, redirect children who aren’t listening, and—perhaps the hardest lesson of all, according to Nye—learn to say “No.”